How TeamSense works

Our simple, text-based call-off system keeps everyone in the loop and provides in-the-moment attendance histories and points balances.

Employees call-off with text, voice or email
Managers act on instant absence notifications
HR teams see trends and improve programs
The first hour of a shift is our golden hour. You’ve got to hit your production rates that first hour, otherwise you’re behind the rest of the day and it’s difficult to catch up. TeamSense enables us to get a line of sight on attendance early on so that we can fill the gaps and get running right off the bat.

LuAnn Shafer

Human Resources Manager, The Pella Corporation

Show employees their attendance points and history before they call-off

Employees rarely know how many absences or attendance points they’ve accrued. With TeamSense, they see their points balance and complete attendance history before they request another absence.

Having accurate information in real-time clears up confusion and defuses potential disputes, creating a culture of accountability, transparency, and trust.

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Just say no to the no call, no show

When employees fail to notify supervisors of their absence, it can disrupt normal operations and leave the rest of the team scrambling for coverage or playing catch-up.

Because TeamSense is easier than navigating complex phone trees and faster than waiting on hold with attendant-based systems, "No Call, No Shows" will become a thing of the past.

Sync data from your HRIS

TeamSense integrates with your systems to keep employee attendance records up-to-date, including points balances and absences.

See Integrations

Improve production operations

Learn how The AZEK Company was able to make better, faster staffing decisions by centralizing their call-off data.

Save time

HelloFresh cut time spent managing attendance by 50% at their 4,000-person distribution center.

A third-party logistics company cut absenteeism by 39%

Before TeamSense, they planned for 10% overtime. With TeamSense, they cut that to 7% for annualized savings of $750K in reduced overtime expenses.

Read the case study

Get started with TeamSense

Get started with TeamSense