Meet employees where they are

Hourly workforces are notoriously hard to get a hold of.
But everyone has a mobile phone and can text. With TeamSense, all messages—call-offs, notifications, reminders, and pulse surveys—are sent and received via text for convenient and effective communication.

No app download required.


of employees prefer text, while only 7% prefer voice. TeamSense offers both for complete coverage. (Source: TeamSense user data)


of text messages are read within 3 minutes of being sent.1

Establish and maintain the connection

When an employee calls off with TeamSense via text or voice, we link the originating phone number to their employee ID. You always have the latest contact info—even when phone numbers change. 

TeamSense for Attendance

of your hourly workforce change their phone number every 6 months. (Source: TeamSense user data)

Promote transparency and build trust

Call-off miscommunication can often lead to disputes and grievances.

But with TeamSense, employees self-report absence reasons with standardized codes and timestamps.

Minimize ambiguity, biases, and errors, and pave the way for a more fair and equal workplace.

Build a culture of communication

Attendance management is just the tip of the iceberg. Ease your hourly employees into receiving company communications via text and thoughtfully create new behaviors and patterns that are guaranteed to stick.

Reach 100% of your workforce for the first time ever.

Foster a sense of belonging

Create community through inclusive communication. TeamSense offers translations for dozens of different languages to help your diverse workforce feel more at home.

Get started with TeamSense

Get started with TeamSense